Monday, March 20, 2017

Easy Silhouette Photo

After perusing Pinterest for cute maternity photo ideas I was quickly drawn to simple black and white silhouette photos. With no photo shoot budget I had to get creative about how I was going to get the look with the tools I had.

1. Get your shot
When I was close to my due date I had several people reach out to me asking if they could do a maternity session with me. Now if people aren't knocking on your door to take photos of you then reach out to them! Almost everyone these days has an expensive camera and needs an excuse to practice their new found skills as a photographer. My shoot was done by my close friend as a gift but if all else fails use your phone/camera and have a neighbor or relative take some photos of you!

2. Find the light
The biggest thing you need for a silhouette shadow photo is lots of back lighting. We stood in front of the biggest window in my house, that happened to have sheer white curtains, and used the mid day light. 

3. Edit with VSCO
VSCO is a free photo altering app that has lots of filters and special editing tools that make any picture go from ordinary to amazing in a few easy steps. VSCO is really user friendly so just download it and play around with the different filters! 

(Here is a photo of the edits I picked for my silhouette photo)

4. Share your gorgeous photo!
After adding your finishing touches, share your photo and be prepared for lots of 'likes'! If you have a camera, back lighting, and the VSCO app, or any other editing app, you have everything you need to create a beautiful black and white silhouette photo shoot. 

Hopefully this helps you with your next low budget photo shoot. As a new mom on a budget I'm always trying to find ways to create things with what I have and I hope you can too!


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